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General Information

General Information

School Hours    9:10 am - 3:45 pm
Bus Arrival        9:10 am
Dismissal          3:30 pm

Transportation Information
If you have any questions about your child's bus stop, time of pick-up, etc., please call transportation at 285-8880. The school does not have specific bus information.

Each student must be at their assigned bus stop provided by the transportation department. If the bus stop is at your home, the student needs to wait outside (even on inclement weather days) or the bus will not stop. The drivers assume an absence unless they see a child.

Until the bus stop stabilizes (about 2 weeks), have your child at the bus stop approximately TEN MINUTES (10) BEFORE THE ANTICIPATED PICK-UP TIME.

Students are not permitted to be transported on a bus other than their assigned bus. In the case of a necessary situation, the parents/guardians of both students need to write a note to the principal for approval at least 3 days in advance. It is necessary to confirm that there is room on the bus for another student.

If you have missed your child's bus on their return home from school, please call transportation at 285-8880. Often they can help get in touch with the bus driver to reassure you that your child is safe. If there is no adult at the bus stop, the driver cannot let your child off of the bus. The procedure is to bring the child back to school and the office will then contact the parents/guardians or contacts listed on the emergency contact card to make arrangements for the child to be picked up. If none of the contact people are able to be reached, the child will be placed in Aftercare. Aftercare is located in the Pre-K wing until 6:00pm. There will be a charge for the use of Aftercare. Please remember that this will be the last option after every attempt is made to reach a contact person.

Please do not park in the front of the school or walk between the buses to bring your child through the front entrance. You should park on the North side of the building in the large parking lot and use the front entrance beginning at 9:10 am.

In the afternoon, parents/guardians will be permitted to enter the front doors of the building at 3:00pm. Walker pick up is at the UPK Entrance/Exit. All parents/guardians will be asked to show PHOTO ID in order to sign a child out of school. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Early Dismissal
If you know in advance that your child will be leaving school early, please send in a note with the child. If an emergency arises, please call the office prior to picking up your child so that the teacher may have the child ready to be dismissed. In the event that you are unable to pick up your child yourself, we must receive written permission from you to have an individual other than a parent pick up your child. A phone call is not acceptable, except for individuals listed on your emergency contact card.

Early School Closing
The PTA will assist, through a phone chain, in notifying parents of early school closings. A letter is enclosed in the summer packet from the PTA asking for daytime contact numbers. It is important to notify the school and the PTA if your contact numbers change. Please do not rely solely on the phone chain, as it can take some time to complete the chain. Early closings and school cancellations are broadcasted on the following channels:
WALK 97.5 or
WBLI 106.1FM or

Contact with Teachers
Teachers will return telephone calls after classes end at 3:10pm or if possible during the school day. Teachers will not be interrupted during instructional time to speak with parents. You can also write a note to the teacher and receive a response as soon as possible. It is a good idea to place all notes in the child's folder so that the teacher can be sure to receive it.

Prior to 8:00am, please call 285-8770 and leave a message on the voice mail reporting the student's name, teacher, date of absence and reason for absence. After 8:00am, you can also call the main office at 285-8760.

PTA meetings will be held the second Tuesday of every month.

Party Invitations
Parents frequently ask teachers to distribute party invitations in school to a select group of students.  This often results in some children feeling unnecessarily hurt. Our school policy is that party invitations will not be distributed in school unless every child in the class is invited. If this is not possible, parents are encouraged to distribute invitations out of the school setting.

State Mandated Physicals
Physical examination forms are sent home in September. Please have your physician complete these forms as soon as possible. If these forms are not returned by October 15, the school nurse will schedule a physical examination for your child with the school physician.

Medication in School
According to New York State Law, NO medication is to be taken by children on their own. If medication needs to be administered daily, a doctor's note must accompany the prescription. All medications must be in the original bottle/container. For more information, please contact the nurse at 285-8770.

Emergency Contact Cards
PLEASE fill out the emergence contact card and add the information deemed necessary. Please return the card ASAP as it contains very important information that the nurse needs in the event you need to be contacted. Please remember to update your card if your phone numbers or emergency contact names change!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q - Where will my child attend First Grade?
A - All students are scheduled to attend First Grade at Eugene Auer, Oxhead, Holbrook, Jericho or North Coleman.

Q - What is the pupil to staff ratio?
A - By Board of Education policy, there can be no more than 26 students in grades K-3. Each class shares a teacher assistant with a second class.

Q - How are the children assigned to teachers?
A - The principal creates the classes. Classes will be "mixed" by home schools among the teachers. Requests for specific teachers cannot be honored.

Q - What will my child be doing all day in Kindergarten?
A - The Kindergarten curriculum will be shared with you during Open School Night in September. The classroom teacher will also be able to provide a pamphlet that highlights the curriculum. In addition to classroom learning, kindergarten students receive two forty minute physical education periods and one forty minute library period. Lunch and recess are combined into a forty minute period with additional time given, especially at the beginning of the year, as necessary. Kindergarten children also benefit from the Arts in Education programs scheduled throughout the year through funding of our PTA.

Q - What will my child have for lunch and snack?
A - Lunch can be provided by the parents/guardians and brought to school by the children or purchased in the school cafeteria. A menu is sent home prior to the beginning of each month indicating the choice of meals for each day. You can also prepay for lunch which is a very convenient option.

Forgotten lunches will be provided by the cafeteria and you will be asked to send in the money the following day. The cost of lunch is listed on the school menu.

For information on the free lunch program, please call the Food Service Department at 285-8190. For an application, please visit the main office and ask for an application or call and one will be sent home with your child.

Q - Do I get a report from the school on my child's progress?
A - A formal  Parent/Teacher Conference is scheduled for December at which time you will receive a report card with a written comment. Your child will bring home a report card in March and June as well indicating his/her progress.

Q - Will my child be getting homework?
A - Yes. The amount and type of homework will vary from class to class, but all homework will be directly related to classroom instruction.

Q - Can I volunteer to help out in the classroom?
A - Teachers will select class parents and helpers for the school year. Everyone will get an opportunity to help out in the classroom.