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Early Dismissals/School Closings

Early Dismissals/School Closings

Scheduled Early Dismissals
Information regarding all scheduled early dismissals will be sent home prior. Please check the announcements section of our homepage for more information.
Emergency Early Dismissals & School Closings


Early Dismissals


The necessity for early dismissal of school because of weather or other emergency situations is announced on the following radio stations:


WALK (97.5 FM)

WBLI (106.1 FM)


The District’s Automated Telephone System will notify you according to the telephone number you have provided. You may call the district hot line for information or updates – 285-8088. The buses will be used to transport the children home.


Please do not call the school for information on early closings. The phone lines need to be kept open to receive emergency calls from district office and transportation.


Delayed Openings


The necessity to delay schools opening for two hours because of weather or other emergency situations is announced on the following radio stations:


WALK (97.5 FM)

WBLI (106.1 FM)


You may call the district hot line for information or updates – 285-8088.


On days the district schedules a two-hour delay, Unity Drive Kindergarten opens at 11:10 a.m. and Unity Drive Pre-Kindergarten opens at 10:30 a.m. The main office will open at 10:40 a.m. The UPK office will open at 10:00 a.m. Calls cannot be answered before those times.


In addition, there is no AM Pre-K on delay-opening days and no PM Pre-K on early dismissal days.


Delayed Openings – No A.M. SCOPE

Early Dismissals – No P.M. SCOPE